301-433-3900 (M)
301-263-7684 (F)
A Little About Us!
Our mission is to prevent the potential for institutions to overlook a child’s educational and social abilities and to support families and individuals in crisis. The NCOR Advocacy Group envisions a society that embraces the complexities of individuals and appreciates the diversity and needs in a family or individuals at work or at play.
Managing Success
A Word From Our Clients!
NCOR Advocacy Group (NAC) is a community group that provides resources and services in educational remediation and acceleration, education and psychological assessments, mental health, intervention and prevention for drug and alcohol abuse, family and individual counseling, special education, autism, foster care management, and behavioral management.
Founded in 2003, NAC has spent years safeguarding the rights of individuals and families who need access to legal support, information, education, and other resources that are needed to successfully manage everyday crises and challenges. We provide personal and business resource connections, as well as augment the voices and actions of those with the greatest needs.
"NAC has been a blessing to my family. Over the years, we have met many challenges with my grandson's school and needed someone to help us navigate the system. A friend recommended that I contact an educator who just happens to work with NAC Advocacy. NAC began working with us on preparing parent education and behavior plans for Matthew that were used in his IEP. I have also used NAC to help with tutorial services, speak on our behalf at school meetings, and write letters to local and federal agencies to support my grandson."
-Matthew's Grandmother
"My son is a rather bright Kindergartener, and as a mother I wanted him to be challenged. Sadly, at his public school, he was placed in a program that did not meet his needs. His homework was at the level of Pre-kindergarten, and my child was reading on the first-grade level and doing second-grade math at home. The teacher admitted that he was advanced but nonetheless, did nothing about it. Every day we would have homework that he would finish in less than 10 minutes. I didn't know what to do. Someone suggested that I ask around for an advocate to help me. I did just that and found NAC. The advocate began immediately working with the school and the counselor to advance his work. He was even transitioned to an advanced math class. NAC also found us an accelerated learning program for the summer. The NAC Team was a true gift."
- Jamil's Mom
Develop Positive Thoughts
Boosting Self-Esteem
How to Help Your Child to Navigate and Thrive
Gaining Access to Research-Based Information
Reliable Assessments
Seek Professional Assistance
Keeping One's Mind Physically Fit
Aggression Depression
PTSD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Autism Dyslexia
Anxiety PANDAS Syndromes
Behavioral Disorders General School Behaviors
Traumatic Brain Injury Social Issues
Social Anxiety Disorder Tourette's
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Specific Phobia Attention Deficit Disorder
Language Processing Dysgraphia
301-433-3900 - Main - 301-263-7684